Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cute Kitty Picture

Here's a picture of Cayenne I took Friday, when I was at Mike's.

Cayenne is still at Mike's.   She wants to spend a lot of time outside since it's so nice out and I want her to be able to do that.  I'm thinking this is probably her last summer and I want her to be happy and get to do whatever she likes.  Which is mostly eat and sleep, and right now, sit out on the patio.  I don't think I could let her out here at my new place.

I don't have my own entrance.  To let her out, I'd have to carry her down the hall, take the elevator downstairs, and carry her through the lobby area.  She does not like being picked up and would be quite annoyed with me by the time we reached the front door.  She would have no way to let me know when she wanted back in; I couldn't hear her if she meowed or pawed at the door (that's what she usually does, paws at the door, so it's not very loud).  It would be difficult to check on her often to see if she wanted back in, and then when she did want in, I'd have to pick her up and carry her again, which she dislikes.  And I just feel uncomfortable letting her out in a strange place, although it must be at least as safe for a cat here as it is at Mike's.

So she is at Mike's for the time being.  When it gets hotter, she'll probably want to stay in more, and then I'll bring her to my new apartment.  Or if she starts to get sick, I'll bring her here to take care of her.  She has an appointment with her vet next week and we'll see what he thinks, but I'm pretty sure her cancer is back.

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