Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Doing Laundry with Isaac

One of the most helpful things Isaac does for me, currently, is helping me do laundry.

I have a rope tied to a laundry basket and Isaac pulls that basket by the rope from the bedroom out into the hallway where my washer and dryer are.  Then he hands me the articles of clothing, one by one, and I put them into the washing machine.  I transfer the clothes into the dryer myself, and when the clothes are dry, Isaac takes them out of the dryer and hands them to me.  I drop them into the laundry basket on the floor and Isaac pulls the basket out to the living room, where I can sit on the couch and fold the clothes.  When they are all folded, Isaac pulls the basket all the way back to the bedroom.  Then I pick up the basket, put it on the bed, and put the clothes away.

I have to do very little bending and lifting this way.  It takes a lot longer than doing laundry myself.  It reminds me a bit of doing household chores with a three year old that wants to help but makes it take longer and needs a lot of supervision and direction.  But it spares me a great deal of back pain.  I haven't taken any pain medication in a few days now.

Isaac really likes pulling the laundry basket.  He'll start to pull it before he's taken all the clothes out of the dryer and I have to redirect him.  Most of the time I have to tell him "get it" and point before he picks up an item of clothing, although, a couple times he has gone back to the dryer for the next item without me reminding him.  I expect he'll get better at that over time.

It's really fun to see him pull the laundry basket.  He just loves doing that.


  1. He's so smart! You should post some pics of Isaac "doing laundry"

  2. I know. I need to get a friend to take the pictures, because I'm always right there next to Isaac directing him. Really, I'd like to have a little video of it, if I can get one. It's really cute. And I am very proud of him. He's picked it up so quickly.

  3. A video would be great - put it on YouTube. Isaac will be famous!

  4. Really Isaac did it very smartly. I would also love to see the pics.

    Drain Hose
